Volunteers are the backbone of the OTLBC. Committed and engaged members provide a whole range of vital services and prove, every day, that the club belongs to us all. If you are interested in getting involved, email info@otlbc.com.
2024 Volunteer Opportunities
Garden Team
Volunteers are assigned a small section of the garden to maintain on their own schedule. Volunteers will also be asked to join in garden-wide tasks in spring and fall to spread compost or mulch. No special skills needed, we will help guide your learning. Please send us an email to info@otlbc.com with your interest or with any questions.
Help run programs, tournaments and sessions
The Club has many Round Robin Tennis sessions each week. Each is run by an avid volunteer. Our Club Tournaments are driven by volunteers, and in 2024 the ITF tournament had over 30 volunteers helping to make it run smoothly. These are just some examples of how volunteers help support our members and club. If you are interested in getting involved, email info@otlbc.com.
Volunteer Awards
Dave Fleming Volunteer Spirit Award was initiated in 1999 by the OTLBC Board, and it was named after Dave Fleming to honour his long-standing volunteer contributions to the club. This award is presented every two years to an OTLBC member who embodies the spirit of volunteerism. This special award recognizes the significant and long-term contributions of an individual who consistently demonstrates enthusiastic support for the club’s traditions and values through his or her volunteer efforts. Nominations are submitted by fellow members to a panel of reviewers, headed by Dave Fleming and comprising a past award recipient, the club Executive Director, and representatives from the Board..
Character: The nominee treats members and staff equally and with respect, willingly volunteers for a range of activities, is responsive and enthusiastic, shows a genuine desire to make the club members’ experience enjoyable, supports and respects the club’s traditions and values.
Long-term Commitment: The nominee has contributed service and support to club activities and initiatives consistently over a minimum of 3-5 years.
Impact: This person provides ‘value-added’ support to the club, goes beyond expected responsibilities, contributes to a range of activities, helps out where needed and demonstrates initiative.
Read about our past recipients here
Norman King Junior Award was donated by former member Molly King in honour of her late husband, Norman King. This award is presented annually to an Ottawa Tennis and Lawn Bowling Club junior tennis member who exemplifies fair play, sportsmanship, enthusiasm for the game of tennis, and an eagerness to help other members enjoy their experience at the club. Past recipients include Molly Perkins (2019) and Julien Blanchet (2018).