Winter Community Programs

All programs take place in the Wellness Room.

Pre-registration is required (except for Coffee and Chat, and Pub / Games Nights). 

To register for Supervised Bridge Games:  Bookable 7 days in advance.  Booked each week - Events will show once bookable.  CLICK HERE

To register for Beginners Bridge Lessons:  Bookable now - in blocks of six weeks.  CLICK HERE

To Register for First Aid Training:  CLICK HERE

Course/Program Dates Time Location Cost Details

Standard First Aid with CPR-C and AED

February 8th and 9th 9-5pm Wellness Room $115 mbr
$145 non mbr
Exam Fee included. 
Beginners Bridge Lessons Dates to be confirmed 1-3pm Wellness Room 180 Coffee, Cookies and Handouts included
Supervised Bridge Games Every Thursday 1pm - starts Jan 9 1-3pm Wellness Room $10 per game Coffee, Cookies and Handouts included. For players who play the Yellow card or Stayman and Transfers. Includes 15 min talk on one topic
Wednesday Pub / Games nights Every Wednesday - dates TBC 7.30-9pm Wellness Room Snacks and Drinks available to purchase Euchre Night (we will teach you)
Trivia Night
Scrabble Night
Monte Carlo Night