Member Survey 2024

Thank you to Everyone who completed the 2024 Member Survey!!!! YOUR VIEWS MATTER.

The Ottawa Tennis Club surveys its membership on a regular basis.  The survey is used to:

  • Measure member engagement and satisfaction 
  • Prioritize certain capital expenditures 
  • Inform/influence the Club’s strategic direction
  • Help inform on future program and service decisions

This Year, we conducted a full member survey and received 375 responses! In 2024, nearly 9 out of 10 respondents (87.7%) are “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the club, which is the highest score we've received since we starting the Member Surveys in 2016.

Overall Satisfaction

A key takeaway from the survey was the loyalty of our members. Over 90% of our members intend to be back in 2025.

Overall, the majority of members were satisfied with the programming at the Club.  However, there are always ways to improve.

In reference to the Strategic direction of the Club:

  • Over 75% of survey responders want the Club to investigate indoor tennis
  • 69% agree we should continue with second floor renovations

Although the survey was very positive, our main challenge in the years ahead will be to attract and retain younger members, given that a majority of our members are over 60. We also received a number of comments and suggestions for improvements.  Some are indicated below, and how such comments will be reflected in services and delivery next season.

A full summary of the survey results can be found by CLICKING THIS LINK.



Importance of our Club booking policy, especially ensuring members “show up” for their bookings.  No shows were deemed to be unfair to the membership who then cannot participate.

The Club is working with our software providers to improve on the scanning functionality when members enter the Clubhouse.  Communication improvements to members about scanning in, and showing up for bookings, and enforcing a “penalty box” concept whereby repeated offenders will not be allowed to access online booking.

Practice Wall is in poor condition.

A new wall, including fencing and new paving will be in place for the start of the new season.

Tennis court conditions: generally very positive but still improvements required.

  • The Club has purchased new court brooms which will be placed around the courts for members (and staff) to use between bookings.
  • A new court roller is being investigated.
  • Auto irrigation has been installed on courts 1 to 4 – to increase the overall condition of these courts.
  • The Club will invest more in levelling courts in the Spring, and then at least once throughout the season – baseline levelling will take place.  This will mean that in blocks of four courts, the baseline lines will be lifted, new clay will be added and rollered before nailing the lines back down.

More fun/social events at the Club

  • Sunday nights will remain devoted to “music” from local talent
  • Saturday nights (over the summer weeks) will become devoted to member (and community) events (for example, music bingo, games nights, casino nights, etc)
  • The Club will work with Redbird Live to host more open air concerts

The Courtside Café was a welcome improvement, but wanted more services.

  • The Café will open earlier in the morning
  • The menu will be expanded to include items such as breakfast style sandwiches
  • It will be expanded in size to allow a better experience
  • Additional bistro style tables and chairs will be added

Strategic Direction of the Club (e.g. Indoor tennis, winterizing upper floor of Clubhouse) 

Positive feedback but also some reservations.

The Club will show financial prudence and carry out appropriate due diligence before taking any actions. In the winter, experts will be engaged to create estimates for the cost (and opportunities) of both options.  The upper floor winterization will also include costings for an elevator and an accessible washroom on that floor.

Ageing Club Membership

Junior programming will be a large area of development next season, including:

  • Delivery of a supported junior ladder
  • Participation in OTA junior initiatives
  • Junior clinics and events
  • Club Junior Tournament
  • Affordable Junior lessons with a Junior Pro

The Cameron Restaurant – also well received but questions about consistency, reservations and opening hours.

  • The restaurant will remain open until the end of September.  Food service will also be available on many Saturday nights.
  • Standing / high table areas will be created, at least one on the balcony to allow people to watch the tennis and one within the mess hall to encourage walk ins
  • To accommodate a larger degree of walk in diners, not all tables will be reservable
  • The Games Room now has air conditioning, and will be set up for games, movie nights and dining – depending on the day/time

Pool Programming and Temperatures

  • Additional lane ropes are being installed to allow a greater degree of programming and flexibility
  • A pool cover solution is under consideration